Saturday, April 26, 2008

Life with Cruise 2 - Open Box

Let's continue on the juicy part and leave 'why-i-buy-this-shiny-brick' as history. I've took some pictures of Touch Cruise and will be giving a review on it later.

1. The box cover that make me hooked. Black is beautiful.

2. Inside the cover, there are two boxes - one for the car kit and the other one is for the main unit.

3. The car kit consists of a Unitholder that fix to your inner windscreen by using suction power. The bracket that will hold the PDA onto the unitholder plus a battery charger that use the cigarette lighter (or whatever you may call it).

4. When you open the main box, you will see the HTC Touch Cruise in all its glory. The placemat is kinda cool too - that's why this PDA is damn expensive!

5. Some of the major kits that is placed behind the placemat - neat huh!. The kit consists of : 1 extra pointer, screen protector (already installed on the unit), charger and stereo headphone. The sereo headphone comes with the radio antenna - without it you couldn't listen to the radio at all.

6. Start it up and you will be presented with 'Today' screen.

7. Shortcut to media center by touchflo'in the screen - put your thumb on the hTC logo and slide upward. Neat.

8. The 'Audio Manager' at work. I prefer to use this rather than using Windows Media Player.

More to come!

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