Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ninja Beach Party - Bagan Lalang, 10 Jan 2009

The Ninja 250R Malaysia recently organised a beach party to kickstart the 2009 activities. The beach party without any specific theme (nobody rides with swimming trunk or bikini) was in conjunction with one of the respected club member's birthday celebration - Happy Birthday Bad aka Kirana! May God Bless you with a good health, blissful life and bottomless spending money to mod your bike!

It was such a great party that I lost count how many people and bikes actually were there. Probably closed to 100 people ... or more! The party was merrier with the support from our 'abang' club members of ZXR250 Malaysia - Great to have all of you there. And we had a special guest appearance in the form of 'Abang Mad' whom the Kawasaki Malaysia rep for the event.

I managed to snap some pictures for the event. Enjoy!

Ninja Beach Party @ Bagan LalangNinja Beach Party @ Bagan LalangNinja Beach Party @ Bagan LalangNinja Beach Party @ Bagan Lalang

More pictures available at my flickr site here : Ninja Beach Party

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Happy New Year to all my biking friends! Hmm... happy belated actually. Better late than never mentioning at all.

The new year comes with all sort of new things to ponder. Most of us drafting new resolution for 2009 and most likely they will regret it as having one due to unrealistic mission statements. ME? I have jump-started the new year with a BANG! Hehehe .... I've bought a brand new DSLR camera and my mission for this year is to take better pictures. Very easy to achieve as it is intangible, nobody cares with my end-products anyway .... :)

As to start of with the action plans in meeting the target, I took some pictures of a program called 'Riadah Bermotosikal' at USJ Track on 1 Jan 2009. The date is just perfect. The result as follows:

I might add new resolutions in Feb, March, June till Dec 2009 ... as always happenened years before ;). Happy New Year and hopefully this year will reduce our sufferings from last year and brings more joy and laughter in this world.